Talking to the Pork Slope Team

photo via BlackBook

I was kind of like “Brooklyn? I don’t know if I want to work with Brooklyn.” But I went and looked at the space and fell in love with the neighborhood. And I was like, “this is it.”
-John Bush

Restauranteurs John Bush and David Massoni joined forces in 2010 to open Park Slope gastropub Thistle Hill Tavern. They added Top Chef all-star Dale Talde to their team, and two years later, the trio opened Talde, building the restaurant around Dale’s mastery of Asian-American cuisine. Immediately, they had another hit (and some of the best fried chicken in the city).

With their new roadhouse-style bar/restaurant, Pork Slope, set to open next month, the power trio talked to BlackBook about their Park Slope culinary empire, their plans for the new joint, and the many joys of a cheap beer.