Furious Activists And Merchants Blame Concrete, Plastic For Mountains Of Sand On Coney Boardwalk
Activists were displeased when the Parks Department decided to replace the
wooden boardwalk on Coney Island [/plastic-future-for-coneys-boardwalk/] with a
Hearing To Determine Fate Of Coney Boardwalk Imminent
Source: blhphotography / FlickrAs we reported last month
[/wooden-boardwalk-advocates-headed-to-court-against-the-parks-department/], the
battle over the future of Coney Island’s historic boardwalk is
Wooden Boardwalk Advocates Headed To Court Against The Parks Department
Rob Burstein, president of the Coney-Brighton Boardwalk Alliance, Todd Dobrin,
president of Friends of the Boardwalk, and the concrete boards
Concrete And Plastic “Boardwalk” Approved By Commission
Bye bye boards. (Source: Khomille via Flickr)Yesterday the Public Design Commission