Pamela Harris Wins Democratic Nomination For Brook-Krasny’s Assembly Seat
Pamela Harris speaking with her endorsers. (Photo: Alex Ellefson / Sheepshead
Bites)Pamela Harris won the Democratic nomination for New York’
Grimm Targeted In Ads Blaming Republicans For Sequester Mess, While His Challenger Pledges To Avoid Personal Politics
As the sequester rolls on unheeded, slashing everything from defense spending to
Superstorm Sandy aid [/sequester-will-slash-3-billion-from-sandy-aid-package/],
a partisan media war
Op-Ed: Looney Losers Launch Sour Grapes Secession Campaign
The flag of the great state of Texas. Source: AustinFlag.comBETWEEN THE LINES
[/tag/between-the-lines/]: I truly intended to steer
Op-Ed: Springsteen Exhibit & Constitution Center Were Ideal Match
Entrance to the Bruce Springsteen exhibit at the National Constitution Center.
BETWEEN THE LINES [/tag/between-the-lines/]: Numerous artists and performers
Tonight: Jeffries To Visit Southern Brooklyn Democrats
Sure, it’s a little last minute, but the Southern Brooklyn Democrats, a new
reform Democratic club aiming to reinvigorate
Brooklyn Young Dems Usher In 2012 With Party At Wheeler’s
Join the Brooklyn Young Democrats at Wheeler’s Restaurant, January 18 from
7:30-10:30 p.m., as they welcome