
Straphangers Mystified By Massive Bottle Collections Blocking N Train Doors


Straphangers Mystified By Massive Bottle Collections Blocking N Train Doors

Photo by Josh Freed/ Bensonhurst BeanWhen it comes to strange things [/whats-black-goop-dripping-n-line-ceilings/#.VxlHLpMrLWU] that we’ve seen [/watch-adorable-couple-get-hitched-n-train/#.VxlKh5MrLWU] on the N line [/cute-alert-hey-bensonhurst-help-these-kitties-out/#.VxlIBZMrLWU], this incident ranks pretty high on the list. At around 12am this morning, straphangers were baffled when, upon entering the N train, they were accosted