Swap Gifts & Help Animals At Mission Dolores On Sunday

The main reason we love Mission Dolores (249 4th Avenue) is that they share our love for two of the best things in the world: beer and dogs. And this weekend, they’re hosting a fun event to celebrate both those things, and there will be presents!

On Sunday, January 12 from 2-7pm, stop by the bar for The Great Mission Dolores Re-Gift. Didn’t like some of the presents you got during the holidays? Bring between 2 and 5 gifts that you’d like to swap (not wrapped) and donate $5, which will go directly to BARC animal shelter in Williamsburg, and then hang out and enjoy happy hour prices, which will be available the entire time to those participating.

You’ll come away with a new, perhaps better gift, and the knowledge that some pups (and cats) at the shelter will benefit from your support!

Photo by mcocores