Support CAMBA, Watch Baseball Next Monday

Coing up next Monday, July 23, join CAMBA for a Brooklyn Cyclones game:

Last year, our night there was a lot of fun: Kids got to run the bases, the Cyclones even were kind enough to hit a walk-off home run (in our honor, of course).
We know these tickets are pricey for the Cyclones, but the proceeds really do go straight to our programs and services. And the $50 seats include food, drink and a Cyclones cap.
And this year, there’s an extra bonus to the night: the Brooklyn Ballet will be performing a baseball-themed ballet during the game. And everyone who wears a TUTU will get an extra free hot dog and drink. (Good for daughters, granddaughters… and men who like tutus).
So, come out and join us on the 23rd. You’ll meet CAMBA staff and supporters, and get a better idea of what we do around here and all over Brooklyn.

Tickets are available online here.