String Of Car Break-Ins Hit Manhattan Beach, Sheepshead Bay

Has anyone else noticed a lot of bluish glass fragments glittering the streets? At first I thought it was just debris leftover from Superstorm Sandy, but apparently Sheepshead Bay is undergoing a rash of smashed car window burglaries according to a News 12 Brooklyn Report.
Police say a GPS device and a watch were taken from a car that was parked on Shore Road on Saturday. Investigators say two other car break-ins were reported along nearby Hampton and Emmons avenues, but nothing was taken from those cars.
The burglaries occurred over the weekend and while the police can only confirm two break-ins, community members told News 12 that up to a dozen cars have been smashed up in recent days.
If you have any hot leads on who might be behind this wanton destruction of private property, please call the Crime Stoppers hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS.