Street Safety: NYPD’s New CompStat System Shows Crimes Near Your Home

Residents have a new tool to understand crime patterns in our area.

On Tuesday, the NYPD unveiled Compstat 2.0, a website which allows users to examine crime statistics up to the most recent week, identify crime locations by street intersection, and get other details about a crime.

In announcing the release of Compstat 2.0, the NYPD noted that previous crime data reporting has been largely limited to the seven major crime categories — murder, rape, robbery, felony assault, burglary, grand larceny, and auto-related grand larceny — with few exceptions.

“There was no additional context provided such as date, time, or the specific type of crime within the broader category,” the NYPD said. “CompStat 2.0 addresses these issues.”

“Now any member of the public can visit and conduct a crime data analysis that will provide all of these parameters,” the Police Department said.

To explore crime data and trends in your neighborhood, check out the info from the 61st Precinct — which patrols Sheepshead Bay, Gravesend, Kings Highway, Homecrest, Madison, Manhattan Beach, and Gerritsen Beach.

As you can see in the table below, Compstat 2.0 reports that there have been 17 burglaries in the 70th Precinct in the last 28 days.

On the CompStat screen, you will also see a map showing showing the locations — actually the closest intersection — for each of the crimes in the category you have selected.

To take a closer look, you can blow up the map by clicking on the white icon above it. See our red arrow below.

And when you blow up the map, you can zero in on a particular location. Take a look at all the blue dots close around Coney Island Avenue. Those are individual burglaries.

When you click on these dots, you get some details about the crime. In this case the burglary took place at a business on January 27 at 7am.

Take some time and check out the stats. If you noticing a trend that seems interesting, get in contact with us and we’ll explore it!