Stop Street Harassment With Brad Lander and Hollaback!

Most of us have seen it. Somebody gets a bit too close on the subway, another shouts obscenities to a passerby on the sidewalk, while others have gone so far as to publicly masturbate or physically attack their victims.

Enough is enough, and Councilmember Brad Lander says it’s time to fight back.

“I am working with Hollaback!,” he said in an email this afternoon, “a global organization founded here in New York that works to expose and stop street harassment, to bring their new workshop to our neighborhood tomorrow night (April 16). The Hollaback! workshop will teach a new curriculum on bystander intervention, so you can be part of the movement to end street harassment.”

You can check out a video from the organization’s website below.

Tuesday night’s free workshop will take place from 6:30pm to 8pm in the PS 10 staff cafeteria (511 7th Avenue). There are only 10 spots remaining, though, so be sure to email if interested in attending.

Image via Hollaback!