Stock Up On Fresh Fruit & Veg At The PS 295 Farmers Market

Green trees and warm weather can only mean one thing: the return of the amazingly successful PS 295 Farmers Market, opening for the first time this season on Thursday, May 29.

The market, run by the teachers, parents, and students of PS 295, was launched in 2013 and offers a vast array of produce grown in the school’s garden, but also features fruit and veg from Hector Perez of Jersey Farms, and fresh meats, dairy, honey, and more from the Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative.

This week, lacinato kale takes center stage, along with amethyst radishes and tasty herbs. You can find the full breakdown of available goodies below:

Mustard greens
Kale (regular)
Red Russian kale
Lacinato kale
Spring onions
Vegan Brownies
Apple/Ginger/Cranberry Muffins
Ground Beef
Beef sticks
Apple Cider
Chicken thighs
Free range eggs
Apple snitz
Blueberry jam
Cheddar cheese

That’s not all! Look for these straight-from-the-school’s-garden options:

Lemon balm
Amethyst radishes

The PS 295 Farmers Market (19th Street, between 6th and 7th Avenues) runs every Thursday from 2:30-4:30pm. If you’re a parent at the school and you’d like to get involved, or if you have any questions, stop by the market or contact for more information. And be sure to follow them on Facebook for weekly updates!

Photo via PS 295