Stay-Cool Pet Tips From PAWSitive Veterinary

With temperatures soaring this last couple of days, a Heat Advisory from the National Weather Service, and summer in clear sight, we asked Dr. Courtney Perry of PAWSitive Veterinary (1103 Church Ave. between Stratford and Westminster Rds.) how to keep our critters comfortable in the months ahead. Dr. Perry was nice enough to take the time out and put a list together:

  • Do not leave a pet in a car, even for a few minutes. This is very important, as temperatures in cars can easily skyrocket well above the outside temperature and it can be life-threatening in a matter of minutes.
  • Always have fresh water available. Pets don’t cool off by sweating like we do–they have to rely on cool water and panting. If you usually have one bowl available, try adding a second or third one. If you go on a long walk or an outdoor trip, don’t forget to bring a water bottle for your pet as well.
  • Try to take your dog for their longer walks in the early morning or late evening when there is less direct sun and cooler temperatures.
  • Pets with short noses (like Pugs, Bulldogs, Persians, etc.) are much more sensitive to heat than other breeds, as are pets that are older or overweight.
  • Consider leaving the air conditioner on when the temperature outside reaches above 90°F if your pet is going to be home alone for long periods of time. Pets can be comfortable inside if you set your AC on automatic with a temperature between 78°-80°F. This will keep them cool without significantly hiking up your energy bills.

She says the ASPCA site is also a great resource for hot weather tips.

Thanks, Dr. Perry! Now all our furry friends in Ditmas Park can stay cute, waggy, and feeling good.

Photo via ditmasparkcorner