Start Small To Make Fitness A Habit

The grand opening of the newest Crunch Fitness on Flatbush Avenue is just around the corner. Crunch Fitness is a welcoming environment where people of any shape or size are accepted and encouraged on their fitness journey. The state-of-the-art fitness facility is offering a special pre-opening rate for those who sign up this month.
There is no need to wait for the opening to get started on your fitness journey and Crunch Fitness owner Assaf Gal has some tips. “It’s really about making micro-decisions,” Gal said, “these add up over time and make a difference.”
For example:
- Choose the stairs over the elevator or escalator
- Consider getting off the train a stop early and walking the remainder of the way to your destination
- Choose water over soda or sweetened coffee
- Make an effort to consume a smaller portion at meal time
- Stretch or do jumping jacks during commercial breaks of your favorite TV show
- Commit to a short 10 minute walk each day

Gal concludes that making these mindful, micro-decisions allow you to include health and wellness as part of your daily routine. Starting with a manageable plan is the key to maintaining. “Finally, set realistic goals,” Gal encourages this great one: “I’m going to sign up for an affordable gym and go at least once a week.”
March is the last chance for pre-opening rates. Sign up and get started on your fitness journey today!
Crunch Fitness Flatbush
1038 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11226
T: 718-218-4618
Mon – Fri 5:00am – 11:00pm
Sat – Sun 7:00am – 7:00pm
This post was sponsored by Crunch Fitness. If you would like to reach our readers, please contact us.