South Slope Weekend Events Spotlight: March 5-8

South Slope Weekend Events Spotlight: March 5-8
Painting by Tirtzah Bassel/ via Open Source Gallery
Painting by Tirtzah Bassel/ via Open Source Gallery

Looking for something to do this weekend? With everything from down home fun and cows that type, to art openings and movie nights, you won’t have to go far for fun. Here are some of our favorite events from around the neighborhood:

CasHank Hootenanny Jamboree
When: Thursday, March 5, 9pm
Where: Freddy’s, 627 5th Avenue, between 17th and 18th Street
What: Ready for a down-home good time? Host Alex Battles leads an acoustic country jam session over at Freddy’s. Bring your fiddles, banjoes, washboards, and spoons to join in on the fun!
How much: Free.

Shape Up NYC: Cardio Toning
When: Friday, March 6, 12pm
Where: Audubon Center, Prospect Park
What: Shape up your core with a free cardio class in Prospect Park that will combine strength, balance, and toning exercises. No reservation is required, but it is recommended that you bring a workout mat.
How much: Free.

Read Across America: Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type
When: Friday, March 6, 3-4:30pm
Where: Park Slope Library, 431 6th Avenue
What: Celebrate Read Across America with Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin’s hilarious story, Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type. Afterward, stick around for cow crafts. No reservation is required.
How much: Free.

Bill Carney’s Jug Addicts
When: Friday, March 6, 10pm
Where: Barbes, 376 9th Street near 6th Avenue
What: It’s all about the jugs this Friday at Barbes, as Sans-Culottes founder and frontman Bill Carney leads his Brooklyn-based band, which Barbes says is “characterized by their powerful, raucous approach to its jug band, old time, tin pan alley, early jazz and blues repertoire.”
How much: $10 (strongly) suggested donation

Introduction To Birdwatching
When: Saturday, March 7, 12pm
Where: Audubon Center, Prospect Park
What: Take a tour with the Brooklyn Bird Club to learn about the 250 species of birds that call Prospect Park home.
How much: Free.

Teen Tech Time
When: Saturday, March 7, 1-3pm
Where: Park Slope Library, 431 6th Avenue
What: If your teen needs a little “me” time, send them down to the Park Slope Library, where they’re invited to spend a couple of hours playing PlayStation or Wii with friends in the auditorium.
How much: Free.

Tirtzah Bassel: I Want To Hold You Close
When: Saturday, March 7, 7-9pm
Where: Open Source Gallery, 306 17th Street, between 5th and 6th Avenue
What: Join neighbors for the opening night reception of Tirtzah Bassel’s “I Want To Hold You Close,” Saturday evening at Open Source Gallery. Inspired by a TED Talk audience, the exhibit “is an immersive installation centered on a large-scale oil painting of a crowd, effectively placing the viewer on stage. As the viewer confronts the specificity and humanity of each individual’s existence within the audience, unique identities begin to stand out against the crowd.”
How much: Free.

Nature Playtime: Zoo
When: Sunday, March 8, 11:30am-1:30pm
Where: Prospect Park Zoo, 450 Flatbush Avenue
What: The Prospect Park Alliance, Prospect Park Zoo, and Tinkergarten are teaming up (with a little help from the Disney Conservation Fund) to bring families creative play opportunities in the park’s natural areas. Every Sunday through April, those visiting the Prospect Park Zoo will be able to take part in Nature Playtime! in the native plant garden. Look for nature-inspired art, insect observation, playing with snow, scavenger hunts, and more. Want to try some Nature Playtime activities on your own? Download a free activity card here. A new card will be added to the website each month through April.
How much: Free with zoo admission.

When: Sunday, March 8, 10:30pm
Where: Cafe Steinhof, 422 7th Avenue at 14th Street
What: Where can you find “hysterical Californians preparing for a Japanese invasion in the days after Pearl Harbor?” Sunday movie night at Cafe Steinhof, of course! Don’t miss Dan Akroyd and John Belushi in 1941.
How much: Free.