South Slope Stoop Sales: June 27-28

Scope out some new-to-you stuff at some local stoop sales this weekend. See below for where you should be if you’re hoping to find a deal.

Where: 16th Street between 4th and 5th Avenues
When: Saturday, June 27, 10am-5pm
What: This sale has an antique short wave radio for sale as well as assorted kitchen appliances including juicers, electric frying pan, electric hot water pots, headphones, and other assorted items.

Where: 10th Street between 7th and 8th Avenues
When: Sunday, June 28, 12-6pm
What: A lack of space has forced this seller to “purge majorly” and set up this “ginormous” sale. They’ve got vintage boots from early 1900s, broken vintage jewelry, lots of funky, groovy high-heel shoes size 6, kids books in pristine condition, boys clothes, a portable strap-on high-chair booster, men’s and women’s clothes,toys, collectibles and “goodness knows what else!”

Where: 19th Street near 8th Avenue
When: Sunday, June 28
What: This pre-renovation stoop sale has lots of items available — folding bike, girl’s bike, DVDs, books, exercise equipment, wafflemaker, George Foreman grill, and many more.

Are you hosting a local stoop sale this weekend? Let your neighbors know in the comments below!

And if you’re holding one on a weekend in the future, be sure to email us the details — where, when, what kind of stuff — at and post it on our calendar!