South Slope Stoop Sales: June 20-21

Scope out some new-to-you stuff at some local stoop sales this weekend. See below for where you should be if you’re hoping to find a deal.

Where: 17th Street between 4th and 5th Avenues
When: Saturday, June 20, 9am
What: This sale claims to have the best stoop sale items possible, including tons of vinyl albums from the 50s through the 80s, space-saving furniture, collectible McCoy and other pottery, antique pottery, a bread maker, a radio, a VCR, unedited tapes of Star Trek including commercials of 25 years ago, plants and fresh herbs, a large blooming pink oleander, and a blue glass collection.

Where: 11th Street between 7th and 8th Avenues
When: Saturday, June 20, 9:30am
What: “SUPPORT OUR STOOPS!” is the rallying cry for this sale. They’ve got furniture, folk art, jewelry, the seller’s wife’s ungodly amount of clothes and shoes, great weird stuff, not so great weird stuff and other stuff, many beloved toys, posters, education thingamajigs, books, and curiosities. All this seller’s eccentric t-shirts must go (to someone thinner). Oh and there will be lemonade, also known as “Docta Lex’s Lemon-to-th-Aid Elixr, Cure-All and Splendor Enhancer.”

And if that’s not enough for you, check out the stoop sales happening in Park Slope this weekend.

Are you hosting a local stoop sale this weekend? Let your neighbors know in the comments below!

And if you’re holding one on a weekend in the future, be sure to email us the details — where, when, what kind of stuff — at and post it on our calendar!