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South Slope Rewind

South Slope Rewind
Brooklyn Pride

Keep up to date with the neighborhood all week by subscribing to our newsletter, liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, joining our Flickr group, and if you have questions or tips, emails us at editor@bklyner.com.

Now for some of the stories you might have missed.

You could soon be eating pretzel dumplings under the stars.

Brad Lander’s daughter said no to student field testing…did your children?

The papers finally came of the windows of 5th Avenue’s Mezini.

Congratulations to South Slope’s Team Farrow, who raised over $16,000 for cystic fibrosis research.

South Slope no longer exists…at least according to Corcoran.

600 and counting!

Keep riding that Food Train because Pepper Mill is going to be closed for another month or so.

Fast food burgers come to 3rd Avenue and 15th Street.

PS 124 receives a glowing new review from Insideschools.

A local mama showed off her moves on NickMom.

We gave you more local restaurants that will gladly hold the gluten.

Your commute to the Financial District is going to be a painful one come August.

Great Gatsby! Kitten rescued from traffic up for adoption at Park Slope Veterinary Center.

The kids over at Park Slope Jewish Center make a stand against child’s cancer on Sunday.

Did you know that Toby’s was once a candy store?

Critters, art and beer at June 13 Open Source Fundraiser.

Cell phone stolen at Lullaby Baby on Thursday.

Is your apartment overflowing with stuff? Sell some of it in our new classifieds section!

On this weekend in 1901, unrequited love leads to tragedy on 18th Street and 7th Avenue.