South Slope Rewind

Keep up to date with the neighborhood all week by subscribing to our newsletter, liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter, joining our Flickr group, and if you have questions or tips, emails us at

Now, some of the stories you may have missed:

Save money and go local with DIY holiday photo cards

City search on Etsy to check out some of the amazing artisanal talent here in Brooklyn

Almondine Bakery needs our help

We got to know Matteo from South Slope Pediatrics

We explored ten South Slope ways to participate in #GivingTuesday

You can’t go wrong with Santa and Slurpees

The Armory reopened for the first time since Sandy

Who won the great breakfast sandwich smackdown between Bagel Pub and McDonalds?

The Skeleton Twins crew was spotted shooting at Freddy’s

South Slopers are getting a new bus shelter at 9th Street and 5th Avenue

It’s beginning to smell a lot like Christmas

Move over Elf on the Shelf…we have the Flipster’s Cow

A member of the Park Slope Jewish Center is looking for a new kidney

Civic Virtue is moving to Green-Wood

Free food and art and Open Source Gallery’s 5th Annual Soup Kitchen this month

8th Avenue has a new powerHouse

5th Ave BID needs a Santa

Dig for deals at Housing Works newest store, Buy the Bag