South Slope Events Spotlight: March 7 – March 10

From washboards to Adventures in Babysitting, South Slope is the place to be this weekend. Here are our top picks:
Thursday, March 7
The Cashank Hootenanny Jamboree, “where everyone is invited to play country songs before 1970, preferably written by Hank Williams or Johnny Cash,” is back at Freddy’s tonight. Break out those washboards, banjos, and tambourines, and head over to everyone’s favorite local at 8pm. No cover.
Friday, March 8
What better way to spend a Friday afternoon, than at 440 Gallery? Stop by and explore Another Landscape Show, a new work by artists Jennifer Williams and Jason Varone. From the 440 Gallery website:
“As a means of understanding the fundamental makeup of a place, Williams and Varone each combine traditional techniques with new media in innovative ways: utilizing large-scale photography, collage, Twitter feeds and various digital processes. Each resulting work provides a unique exploration of the evolving relationships between a place, its essence and its ideal.”
The gallery is open on Friday from 4pm – 7pm. Additional hours include Thursdays from 4pm – 7pm, and weekends, 11am – 7pm. No cover.
Saturday, March 9
If you’ve ever found yourself diving down the research rabbit hole, don’t miss this Saturday’s lecture, USS Monitor to the Dreamland Bell: Unscrambling the Story of James Gregory, scheduled for 1pm at Green-Wood. The free talk by architect David Grider, which chronicles his studies on James Gregory, will conclude with a guided trolley tour ($10 for members, $15 for non-members) of related Green-Wood sites.
Sunday, March 10
It’s movie night at Cafe Steinhof, and this week features Elisabeth Shue, as she leads her charges on an “outrageous, all-night fiasco.” Our Adventures in Babysitting were never this cool. Don’t miss this 1987 classic. The show starts at 10:30pm. No cover.
Image via 440 Gallery