Soothe Overstimulation With Lavender Cloud Dough

Transitioning back to the everyday grind after the holidays can be difficult for kids and grownups alike, but this process can be especially tough for children with sensory processing, autism spectrum, ADHD, and other developmental disorders that thrive on routine.

When things get a bit chaotic, one of our favorite activities is playing with cloud dough. The concoction is made with three simple ingredients that you probably already have in your cupboard, comes together in just a few steps, and thanks to a little lavender, gives kids hours of calming fun – and parents a break.

Ready to get started?

Christine Bush/City Kid Corner

First pull together your ingredients. For a small batch, you’ll need 4 cups of flour, 1/2 cup of oil, and lavender essential oil. Most cloud dough recipes call for baby oil, but you can use any cooking oil that you have on hand.

Christine Bush/City Kid Corner

Pour the oil, flour, and a few drops of lavender essential oil (a little goes a long way) into a dish. Mix the ingredients throughly with your hands until it resembles wet beach sand.

Christine Bush/City Kid Corner

When the cloud dough clumps up – again, like beach sand – you’re ready to go!

Christine Bush/City Kid Corner

Cloud dough stored in an air-tight container will last for several weeks, so when the kids tire of their activity, stash it away in some tupperware until the next playtime.

Note that things can get a bit messy with cloud dough, but if you want to keep the stuff contained, consider letting the kids play in an empty bathtub. Once they’re finished, clump the dough together, scoop it out, and cleanup is done.

Do your kids have a favorite sensory activity? Share it with us! Email, and we’ll post it on the site.