So, How Are Those Newkirk Plaza MetroCard Machines Working Out For You?
The other day, a neighbor drew our attention to some Newkirk nonsense when he posted this passionate tweet:
@MTA FIX THE MACHINES at #newkirk @DPCornerblog
— Chris Ward (@thesaxwarrior) October 7, 2013
After which Michael McWatters sent over a petition to fix broken MetroCard machines at the Newkirk Plaza station, which reads:
Both vending machines have keys that get stuck constantly. You have to try to pick them out with your fingernail or you can’t complete your transaction. A woman reported to me that they’ve been broken like this for months, creating huge crowds and frustration.
Several neighbors seem to be riled up about it, and rightfully so–with no end to fare hikes in sight and an astounding $2 billion surplus, it makes no sense that these machines should have sticky keys for months at a time.
“This is an almost daily occurrence at MTA’s Newkirk Plaza station,” says a neighbor on the petition page, “and the nonchalance from the booth staff is always admirable!”
Though 11226-ers have it bad enough, Michael points out about residents who live north of Ditmas and west of Argyle, “‘1’ is one of the stuck numbers, so entering your ZIP (11218) is almost diabolical.”
One comment on the page says the machines themselves lack signs, but there was a note confirming the “1” issue on one machine (and, as described, an increasingly-long line at the other) when we went to check them out yesterday.
What have your experiences been at the Newkirk Plaza stop? Share here, and help expedite repairs through these channels:
- Signing the petition at See Click Fix
- Reporting a problem directly to the MTA by sending in a form, or calling 718-330-1234 or 511
- Getting in touch with Community Board 14 at or 718-859-6357
- Contacting Councilmember Mathieu Eugene at 718-287-8762 or