Simcha Felder May Caucus with Republicans

Simcha Felder’s campaign has inspired an awful lot of debate around here. Now, the Democratic State Senate candidate will caucus with the Republican Party in Albany, reports the Daily News, including supporting Dean Skelos (R-Long Island) for Senate Majority Leader. The News credits an anonymous source.
Felder could not be reached for comment. But his reported commitment could make things even more interesting after tomorrow since there is a chance the Democrats could win a numerical majority but still not have control of the chamber come January.
Felder also made a few waves yesterday when he criticized his opponent for State Senate District 17, David Storobin, for “asking a judge for a lighter sentence for his client who was busted for child porn,” reports the Daily News.“How can he claim to be an advocate for stricter sentences? How can he claim to be tough on crime?” asked a Felder supporter.
Whether or not the late accusations impact the increasingly hostile race remains to be seen.
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