1 min read

Sheepshead’s Sushi Restaurant Pinching Pennies?

A reader of Sheepshead Bites sent in the following complaint. I’ve heard similar complaints, but never experienced it myself. Are sushi places rounding up the bill? Are they the only ones?

I can go out and spend a lot of money on dinner or a play but one thing makes me nuts. I don’t like being overcharged. One time in a Manhattan restaurant, the waiter added a dollar to one entree and added an extra entree on the check. A week later I read they got busted.
Again, I’m not cheap. But what the hell is rounding about in these Sheepshead Bay Road Sushi restaurants? I took Junior High math. They round up 1-2-3 and 4 cents to make your check even. They never round down. Do they pay tax on this income? Guess not? Is it cheating? Getting somethng for nothing? You bet.
If you do the math, it probably comes out to a $1000 worth of pennies per year.
You want ROUNDING? Round down also.
Give the pennies to charity not to their selfish pockets.