Share Your Thoughts On The Future Of 4th Avenue

From condos to traffic calming, there’s no doubt that 4th Avenue has seen a number of significant changes over the past few years, and with the de Blasio administration settling in at City Hall, the Forth on Fourth Avenue committee thought this would be the perfect time to take a closer look at one of our neighborhood’s busiest thoroughfares.
“A New Look at 4th Avenue: Action Planning for a New Administration” will be held at The Old Stone House (4th Avenue and 3rd Street) on Tuesday, January 14 at 7pm. Residents, businesses, and community organizations are invited to attend the public meeting, which will discuss the current state of 4th Avenue, and how the community sees its future.
Council Members Brad Lander and Stephen Levin will share their thoughts on the potential of 4th Avenue, followed by questions and suggestions from the audience.
The committee has put together a survey so that they can get a better idea of what concerns and ideas neighbors have regarding 4th Avenue. Whether you’re planning on attending the meeting or not, this survey is a great opportunity to share your thoughts with our community leaders.
If you have any questions, or would like more information, email