Share Your Thoughts On The B67 & B69 Buses

Have you ridden the B67 and B69 weekday buses? What do you think of them?
Resident Lauren Elvers Collins wants to hear your feedback about specific sections of the bus routes, including a stop in Kensington, by this Friday, March 27 — she’s collecting the information for Community Board 7, which is looking into the possibility that the current bus schedule may be inadequate to handle demand.
Lauren wrote to us:
The routes in question are the Kensington to Downtown Brooklyn direction on the stops between the Ave. C/McDonald Ave. stop and the 7th Ave./19th St. stop from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. My experience has been that these buses (primarily filled with middle schoolers) fill up quickly at either Church Ave. or Albemarle, leaving kids and adults behind at the stops and regularly skipping all the stops between the Ave. C and 19th St. stops.
If you take these routes during these times or if you have a kid who takes them, I would appreciate your feedback (and theirs) on the experience. All responses will be forwarded to the Community Board.
You can email your thoughts to Lauren at