Share Your Brooklyn Story This Saturday At The Park Slope Library

UPDATE 10/25: They’ve let us know that the event has been cancelled, but they’ll be interviewing folks at the Prospect Park Halloween Walk instead, so keep an eye out if you’re in the park on Saturday!

What does Brooklyn mean to you? Share your story at a family-friendly workshop on Saturday, October 26 from 1-3pm at the Park Slope Library, 431 6th Avenue.

The folks behind idBrooklyn, a large-scale design project aimed at creating the graphic identity of Brooklyn with residents’ participation, will run this playful workshop where you can share songs, childhood memories, jokes, places, whatever says Brooklyn to you. Your passion and inspiration will then be materialized as a collection of visual icons that will express Brooklyn’s identity.

Sponsored by the Friends of Park Slope Library and Park Slope Parents, they are hoping to get a wide cross section of Brooklynites old and new, families and singles, and everything in between. Feel free to come in costume and go off to Halloween festivities after the event!

Please be sure to RSVP so they know how many people are attending!