Share Your Memories Of The Kings Theatre As Its Opening Date Nears

Photo via Kings Theatre
Opening at the tail end of our country’s Jazz Age and shuttering in 1977, the Kings Theatre (1027 Flatbush Avenue) holds countless memories, from those who streamed into the space to see Dolores del Rio in “Evangeline” on opening night – September 7, 1929 – to those who spent many a Saturday night watching movies there in the 1970s.

What are your memories of the space that is undergoing a stunning $94 million renovation? As the January opening date nears, the Kings Theatre is asking neighbors for their photos and stories from your time in one of the five “Wonder Theatres” built by Loew’s in the city and New Jersey and which will soon offer more than 200 performances each year.

You can go here to find out more information about sharing your memories – which we’d love to hear as well! Feel free to comment below or email us at, and we’ll post your stories and photos to the blog.
You can follow the Kings Theatre’s progress on its website, Facebook page, and Twitter. You can also see more photos of the theatre’s restoration here.