Share Your Design Ideas For Fort Greene Park
Fort Greene Park is one of eight city parks selected for redesign and improvements as part of the $50 million Parks Without Borders Program.
A part of OneNYC (an initiative focusing on the growth, equity, sustainability, and resiliency of the city), the mission of Parks Without Borders is to make parks more vibrant, accessible, and welcoming, as well as more connected to their communities. In winter 2015-2016, NYC Parks asked park goers to choose eight parks they wanted to see improved through this program. New Yorkers submitted more than 6,000 suggestions for 692 parks.
Parks Without Borders will make parks more open and beautiful by redesigning their entrances—making them easier to find, making their perimeters greener, and improving underused spaces and sight lines to increase safety.
Share your thoughts and design ideas for Fort Greene Park this Thursday, February 16th at a meeting at Ingersoll Community Center, 177 Myrtle Avenue, 6:30 to 8:00pm. All are welcome to attend. Call (718) 965-8992 for more information.