Serve Your Community As A CB6 Committee Member

Have you been looking for a way to get involved with local government? Community Board 6 is currently inviting interested members of the public to consider applying to join a standing committee for its upcoming annual session. Being a member of a committee is an interesting and rewarding glimpse into New York City processes, and your participation can provide a more diverse representation of neighbors.
Committees must have a majority of Board Members, but Non-Board Members are welcome. You must apply, and then you’ll be part of a committee for a one-year term effective September 1. You’ll enjoy the same participatory rights and will be expected to fulfill the same member-related responsibilities as Board Members serving on committees (including regular attendance of committee meetings).
Here are the committees open to public participation:
• Economic/Waterfront/Community Development & Housing
• Environmental Protection/Permits & Licenses
• Landmarks/Land Use*
• Parks/Recreation/Cultural Affairs
• Transportation/Public Safety
• Youth/Human Services/Education
(*Committees regularly meet at 6:30pm, except for Landmarks/Land Use which meets at 6pm)
Interested in serving? Download the form here, and return it to CB6 via email at, fax at 718-624-8410, or mail or drop it off at 250 Baltic Street from Monday-Friday between the hours of 10am and 4pm.
Forms must be received by June 23 for initial consideration. Additional requests for membership may be made at any other time throughout the year, but appointments will be made based on the availability of openings. Appointment letters will be sent out in early August.
Map via CB6