Serious Passover Soups

Passover begins Friday, April 6


I asked around and due to the timing of Passover, there aren’t many public seders, which means anyone hosting a seder needs to develop a menu. If you are in need of a serious soup recipe, we found it for you.

I asked Serena Norr, writer and owner of the blog Seriously Soupy and Ditmas Park resident of four and a half years, for a matzo ball soup recipe. She was thrilled to spread the soup. Here is a post of hers contemplating Passover soups.

DPC: Do you host a Passover seder in your home? What is one of the highlights of people celebrating with you?
SN: I am actually not Jewish, but my husband is. I have learned about the tradition of the seder from his family, and his mother passed down a family recipe for matzo ball soup that I make for Passover. I love making the rich broth with a whole chicken, carrots, parsnips, onions, dill, and parsley that tastes amazing with traditional matzo balls. Learning about this process has allowed me to expand my recipes and learn about stocks, broths, and traditional soup-making. The highlight for me is continuing traditions, eating homemade food, and sharing food together.

Serena explores a new soup each week. Try some of her Passover soup ideas.

What’s the best thing about living in Ditmas Park?
As a mom of two young children, I love the community of Ditmas Park. I find it amazing that I can take a walk with my girls for a simple errand and actually know the people that sell us food, or that we might find friends at the park without organizing a playdate. I also love that we have formed a community (in my daughter’s co-op) with close friends, parents, and a teacher that I deeply respect.

Where do you recommend shopping for the best ingredients?
I love to shop seasonally so I often frequent the Greenmarket on Sunday to stock up on essentials for my soups. The majority of my soups aren’t planned, so I often find inspiration from with the colorful collection of fresh fruits and vegetables. I also shop at the Co-op and Natural Frontier for food for my family.

When you’re not cooking soup, which neighborhood restaurant do you seek out for soup?
I love the lentil soup from the Farm, Qartha has a delicious butternut squash soup, and Purple Yam has an amazing asparagus soup!

Seriously Soupy shared her favorite recipes. Do you have a favorite Passover dish? If so, please share.