Semi-Sweet Slope: Buttermilk Bakeshop Closed On 7th Avenue; 5th Avenue Spot Remains Open

A lump of coal appeared in 7th Avenue’s stocking as Buttermilk Bakeshop closed one of its two Park Slope outposts.
However, the news isn’t all bad. Although her 339 7th Avenue spot is no longer baking the cakes, owner Katie Rosenhouse assured us that their 5th Avenue spot is very much warm and alive. “We will continue to be open at 260 5th Avenue [between Garfield and Carroll Streets],” she told BKLYNER. “It will be nice to have everything coming out of one shop!”

A “Store for Rent” sign appeared in the bakeshop’s 7th Avenue window earlier this month, however, it was unclear when Buttermilk would be leaving the storefront.
The bakeshop brought French macarons and more to Park Slope when the 7th Avenue spot opened on February 1, 2014.
Rosenhouse opened her second location at the end of February 2015. The 260 5th Avenue spot became the home base of their baking operations, supplying confections to the 7th Avenue spot, ranging from monkey buns to cakes and more. She took it over after Trois Pommes Patisserie closed in March 2014.

5th Avenue still promises an array of treats, including the sublime snickerdoodle.
Rosenhouse told us she will be holding additional classes and birthday parties at their 5th Avenue location.
Buttermilk Bakeshop (260 5th Avenue between Garfield and Carroll Streets) also makes cakes, cupcakes, pies, and more — check out the full menu here — and will take special orders for birthdays and other occasions. They’re open Tuesday-Saturday 9am-7pm, and Sunday 9am-6pm, and can be reached at 347-987-3941 or