
There are still some patches of snow on the ground, and there’s more to come this season, but inside gardeners are snuggled up on their couches perusing seed catalogs.

When to Plant Seeds

“It’s not too early to start SOME seeds!” neighbor Chris, the Flatbush Gardener advises. “Some plants have long germination times…Other plants, especially ‘cool crop’ vegetables, can be planted earlier in the season because they are tolerant of cooler soil and air temperatures.”

Cool crops include, according to Cornell, lettuces, peas, and most of the cabbage and onions families.

Where to Buy Seeds

Brooklyn Seed Company is the only place in Brooklyn which cultivates and sells seeds for city (specifically NYC) environments. Ryan, who founded Brooklyn Seed Company, sells a limited variety. Everything from the Roma tomato to the Genovese basil should grow well in pots or in your yard.

For a more comprehensive yet environmentally sensitive list of seed resources, consider:

Baker Creek Heirlooms
Seed Savers Exchange
Seeds of Change
Territorial Seed Company
Botanical Interests

If you can’t wait to get your hands in the dirt, consider growing sprouts or becoming a Master Composter.