Where To See Monday’s Solar Eclipse In Brooklyn

Ever wanted to stare at an eclipse? We’ve got just the thing. Stop by any of our stores and pick up a pair of eclipse-viewing glasses—they’re on us! (Not near a store? Tap the link in our bio to download your own pinhole projector.)

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On Monday, August 21 the moon will slip between the earth and the sun, causing a total solar eclipse which will be visible in full along a narrow path (path of totality) that travels across portions of 14 states from Lincoln Beach, Oregon to Charleston, South Carolina. The rest of the U.S. will only see a partial solar eclipse, and here in New York City, we’ll witness approximately 70% of the moon covering the sun.

This is the first total eclipse visible in the contiguous United States since 1979, according to NASA.

The eclipse will last for 2 hours and 37 minutes according to timeanddate.com, beginning at approximately 1:23pm in Brooklyn, peaking at approximately 2:45pm, and ending at 4pm.

You won’t want to watch the solar eclipse without protection for your eyes. The American Astronomical Association has information on solar viewers and filters.

Brooklynites can head over to the Clinton Hill Library at 380 Washington Avenue (at Lafayette Avenue) on Monday for a Solar Eclipse Viewing Party from 1:30pm–4pm where they’ll distribute viewing glasses and show attendees how to make a pinhole viewer.

Another option is to head over to Pioneer Works at 159 Pioneer Street in Red Hook where the Amateur Astronomers Association of New York will hold a free viewing from 1pm-4pm complete with solar-viewing glasses and telescopes with solar filters to watch the event.

NYC Parks recommends viewing the eclipse in a vast, open space with unobstructed views of the sky to the west. They suggest heading over to Sunset Park located between 41st and 44th Streets and 5th and 7th Avenues or the American Veterans Memorial Pier by Bay Ridge Avenue and Shore Road in Bay Ridge to check out the show.

Warby Parker was giving away thousands of eclipse glasses at their stores nationwide, but a call to their location at 55 Bergen Street in Cobble Hill on Friday was answered by a recorded message directing callers to the eyewear company’s special website, The Great American Solar Eclipse, where a template is provided to create your own pinhole projector.

Earlier this week, Annie’s Blue Ribbon General Store at 232 5th Avenue in Park Slope was also giving out viewing glasses, but after ordering 150, they ran out after just two days, an employee at the store told BKLYNER Thursday evening.

If you’re checking out the eclipse somewhere in Brooklyn, send us your pics.