Scenes From Our Neighborhood’s Annual Community Cleanup Day

An enormous thank you to everyone who came out to pick up trash, paint over graffiti, plant flowers, and generally make the neighborhood look a whole lot nicer during Saturday’s annual beautification event led by the Flatbush Development Corporation and the Church Avenue Business Improvement District.

Neighbor Nathan Thompson snapped these great photos of the yearly event, which brings together people of all ages from throughout our community. This year, despite Saturday’s heat, many of our neighbors wiped sweat from their brows and worked tirelessly in spots across the neighborhood, from Church Avenue to Cortelyou Road and Newkirk Avenue.

Everyone gathered bright and early to tackle the cleaning Saturday, arriving at 9am to get their clean-up tools outside the FDC’s office (1616 Newkirk Avenue), the Flatbush Food Co-op (1415 Cortelyou Road), and Downtown Natural Market (1701 Church Avenue). Then, everyone from students to retirees spread out across the neighborhood and got to work!

Numerous neighborhood groups helped to sponsor this year’s event, including Ditmas Park Corner, Council Member Mathieu Eugene, Lowe’s, Q Gardens, and Medina Silk Screen Printing, with additional support by the Flatbush Food Co-op, Downtown Natural Market, Mundo Supermarket, and Ideal Fresh Market.

Church Avenue BID Executive Director Lauren Elvers Collins, top right, joined the crew at Q Gardens, where lots of progress was made in the new community green space that’s located on E. 18th Street, just behind the Church Avenue B/Q subway station.

Despite the heat, there were many smiling faces…

…including Church Avenue BID Executive Director Lauren Elvers Collins!

The volunteers worked incredibly hard throughout the day, toiling until around 2pm, after which neighbors gathered for a community BBQ and magic show.

The magic show kept everyone in suspense!

Neighbor Nathan Thompson works his magic on the crowd.

Councilman Mathieu Eugene, far right, joined the festivities.

Kudos to all of our neighbors who made our community a lovelier place! Your time and energy are part of the reason we all feel so lucky to live in such an incredible area. If you snapped any photos of the cleanup, let us know! Email them to, and we’ll post them on the blog.