Saturday: Give Blood And Earn A Chance To Win Super Bowl Tickets!

Every year, thousands of football fans put their blood, sweat and tears – and lots of money – into obtaining tickets to the big game. But now you can forget the sweat, tears and money, because a trio of organizations are huddling together to offer a free chance at Super Bowl XLVIII tickets to anyone who donates blood.

The New York Blood Center and Super Bowl XLVIII NY-NJ Host Committee are teaming up to organize the sweepstakes, aimed at increasing blood donations across the city.

Any donations to New York Blood Center between now and January 17 will be entered into a sweepstakes for one pair of tickets to the game, which are valued at $2,500.

Fortunately, you don’t need to go far. There will be a NY Blood Center drive at the Knights of Columbus Cardinal Stritch Council on Saturday, January 11, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The council is located at 349 Quentin Road, between Dahill Road and McDonald Avenue.

Eat a balanced meal before giving blood. You can schedule an appointment at (800) 933-2566, although walk-ins are welcome.

If you have a question about your eligibility to donate, call (800) 688-0900.