1 min read

Saturday: Annual Living Nativity Display At New Utrecht Reformed Church (Plus A Petting Zoo!)

Saturday: Annual Living Nativity Display At New Utrecht Reformed Church (Plus A Petting Zoo!)
Photos by Mike T. Wright courtesy of New Utrecht Reformed Church.
Photos by Mike T. Wright via New Utrecht Reformed Church.

This one is sure to be popular with the 10-and-under crowd.

Our friends at the New Utrecht Reformed Church (1827 84th Street) are putting on their annual Living Nativity display this weekend – featuring real people and live animals.

The scene will take place on Saturday, December 20, from 2:30pm to 5:30pm, on the front lawn of the New Utrecht Church sanctuary, located at 18th Avenue and 84th Street.

Included in the display will be a real, live cow, two sheep, and two goats, creating the ultimate petting zoo. With little more than a pair of floodlights, a CD track, and a couple of props, costumed actors will reenact the birth of Jesus. The only thing that won’t be live, as the New York Post reports, is Baby Jesus himself – who will played by a doll. The fact that the historic congregation dates back to its founding in 1677, only lends the performance extra authenticity.

The performance will be followed by a free community dinner at 5:30.

Directions to New Utrecht Reformed Church can be found here.

Photos courtesy of New Utrecht Reformed Church
Photos by Mike T. Wright via New Utrecht Reformed Church.