Sahara Ark Brings A Taste Of The Middle East To Fulton Street

For those strolling the neighborhood as we often do with a hankering for crispy falafel, tangy shawarma or succulent kebabs, the recently opened Sahara Ark (887 Fulton Street between Vanderbilt and Clinton Avenues) serves as something of an oasis.

The restaurant is the brainchild of Anis Naser, a longtime fixture behind the counter just a few doors down Fulton at Yafa Deli (907, on the corner of Clinton Avenue). For years, Anis had listened to raves about the deli’s food–its fried chicken is one of the local community’s chief guilty pleasures–and customers often suggested he open a full-service restaurant. So he decided to take them up on their advice and with his family opened Sahara Ark in mid-June.

“We’re from the neighborhood,” Anis says with a smile. “We love the community. We want them to be happy here and get good, fresh food everyday.”

Going Middle Eastern was an easy decision for Anis, who is Yemeni-American. “It’s our type of food,” he says, describing Sahara Ark’s cuisine as “general Arabic.”

Anis says the shawarma, falafel and kebabs (whether amply stuffed into pitas and loaded with sauce and veggies or served on a platter with sides) are the most popular items thus far–but the hummus, baba ganoush, and vegetarian platters aren’t far behind. Sahara Ark, which is open from 11am-11pm seven days a week, accepts major credit cards, offers free WiFi for those dining in, and delivers for all you homebodies (call 718-230-1903 to get some).

Formerly the home of clothing store Swagga 360, the space has been thoroughly renovated with a stained wood facade, ample seating, a wide-screen television, and Middle Eastern flourishes.

Anis credits the restaurant’s early success with his family’s ties to the community and his years of building friendships with the locals he regularly served a Yafa.

“We started from a good point,” he says–and he hopes to continue to build on that foundation in the months and years ahead.

By Paul McCaffrey