Retro Grill Takes Over Spot Once Occupied By Ćevabdžinica Sarajevo II

Retro Grill located at 2556 Coney Island Avenue. (Photo courtesy of Andrei Barysevich)

One restaurant goes, another one takes its place. Say hello to the Retro Grill, located at 2556 Coney Island Avenue, taking the place of the Bosnian restaurant Ćevabdžinica Sarajevo II, (say that five times fast).

According to Andrei Barysevich, who we thank for submitting the picture posted above, Retro Grill will be serving Kosher burgers, salads, wraps and sandwiches. Our food critic Robert Fernandez had written positively about the Bosnian cuisine offered at Ćevabdžinica Sarajevo II several times, praising the Ćevapi and the moussaka, so we are sorry to see that establishment go.

Anyway, best of luck to Retro Grill. Let us know how it is if you happen to stop by.