Remember When: There Was More Than One Clam Bar In Sheepshead Bay

Believe it or not, it wasn’t always Randazzo’s Clam Bar – and only Randazzo’s Clam Bar. Sheepshead Bay had a couple of clam bars, and while time clearly favored the hot marinara we still know today, many people thought Joe’s Clam Bar was the real prize.
As for me, Joe’s goes back before my memory does. I know they were still open as of 1987, as an employee was on hand to give a reporter some background info on the apparent gangland killing of an employee at another old Sheepshead Bay seafood joint – Rubino’s Crab House.
Do you know when it closed? And what other clam bars do you remember populating the Bay?
Man, I could go for some good raw littlenecks right about now…
Photo courtesy of Marc Hollander via Facebook.