Redesigned Brighton Beach Business Improvement District Website Goes Live

The Brighton Beach Business Improvement District (BID) launched a redesigned website with the goal of providing visitors with a better experience for exploring all the businesses and restaurants Brighton Beach has to offer. According to a press release, the BID will also be providing business owners with training to help manage their online profiles to better connect with the community.
The new website, which can be accessed by clicking here, will also track attractions and events unique to Brighton Beach. Yelena Mahknin, Executive Director of the Brighton Beach BID, was excited at the prospect of the launch.
“The borsht, blintzes, and beach are always great but we want the public to know that Brighton Beach has a lot more to offer. The new site will get the word out that Brighton is an exciting, active and thriving up-to-date community with something for everyone,” Mahnkin said in the release.
The administrators of the BID also wanted users to be aware of and participate in one of their first new projects, “Brighton Beach Pictured,” a photo contest, which we’ve previously posted about:
The Brighton Beach Business Improvement District (BID) is pleased to announce “Brighton Beach Pictured,” a photography competition and exhibition focused on Brighton Beach. Photographers entering the competition should aim to submit photos that capture the spirit, culture, ambiance, excitement and uniqueness of the Brighton Beach area and community.
Photographers may submit up to 5 images. Digitally altered images are welcome. The deadline for submissions is December 30, 2013. The project will culminate in an exhibition in January 2014 that will be held at a venue in the community.
Cash awards of $500, $300 and $150 will be given to the top three photographs.
Guidelines are as follows:
There are no restrictions on subject matter, but since the exhibition will be held in a community venue, overtly sexual images cannot be accepted.
Hear that would be photogs? No porno. Other than that, may the best Brighton Beacher win and good luck to the BID on their latest endeavor!