Redeveloper Sought For Flatbush Caton Market Site

The New York Economic Development Corporation is seeking a developer to purchase and redevelop 814 Flatbush Avenue on the corner of Caton Avenue (currently the Flatbush Caton Market).
“The approximately 31,855 square foot Site represents an excellent opportunity for commercial, residential, and community facility development,” the NYCEDC says in its request for proposals, adding that it “has high foot traffic, is situated on a major vehicular corridor through Brooklyn, and is readily accessible via public transit. It also benefits from close proximity to community amenities, including Prospect Park.”
The market was first established in 2000, with its current building constructed in 2001, merchants moving into the building in 2002, and Councilmember Eugene recently contributing $600,000 for renovations to the site. Besides giving 47 merchants secure and affordable spaces to sell their wares, the market also provides marketing training and basic business courses.
The site is zoned R7A, meaning structures built on it cannot be above 80 feet and “must have interior amenities for the residents pursuant to the Quality Housing Program,” which “encourages development consistent with the character of many established neighborhoods.” It also has a C2-4 overlay, so commercial space in some form will remain–though whether it will stay the Flatbush Caton Market remains to be seen.
Thanks to neighbor Alyssa for the tip!
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