Recchia Slams Grimm For Siding With Tea Party Over Government Shutdown

Congressman Michael Grimm and Councilman Domenic Recchia

Councilman Domenic Recchia slammed Representative Michael Grimm for siding with Tea Party House members when it came to pursuing legislation that has led to a government shutdown. In a report by the Brooklyn Eagle, Recchia characterized Grimm as being in league with controversial Texas Senator Ted Cruz and other members of the Tea Party movement.

Recchia’s rhetoric towards Grimm’s vote in favor of a bill that would grant government funding measures on the condition that Obamacare be delayed was strong, reflecting the potentially explosive fight the two are expected to have in the upcoming 2014 congressional elections.

“Tonight, in a massive governing failure, Michael Grimm voted in lockstep with Ted Cruz and the Tea Party to shutdown the United States government,” Recchia said, “This de-habilitating action is widely expected to inflict significant harm on the American economy and will delay further action from the federal government for Superstorm Sandy recovery. Grimm took this action despite the fact that thousands of constituents in Staten Island and South Brooklyn continue to struggle to rebuild their lives in the wake of the storm that hit almost a year ago.”

As we previously reported, Grimm, who is the only congressional Republican representing New York City, is considered vulnerable by both Democrats and Republicans in the upcoming election. While Grimm rode into office on a wave of Tea Party populism in 2010, he has at times flashed a moderate streak. In February, gun rights activists hammered Grimm for comments he made supporting gun control measures following the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut. In August, Grimm publicly criticized New York GOP party bosses for inviting Senator Rand Paul to speak at a Republican conference in the city after Paul had bitterly opposed the $60 billion Sandy Aid package on account of his libertarian principles.

The New York Daily News reported that there was hope among moderates that Grimm would join fellow New York Republicans in a rebellion that would end the Tea Party drive to shutdown the government over Obamacare:

When GOP moderates led by Rep. Peter King (R-L.I.) launched a small rebellion intended to force the House to accept a “clean” funding bill, Grimm was among several Republicans some colleagues expected to vote with Democrats.But Grimm’s vote, made in the final seconds of balloting after a huddle with GOP leaders, put him at odds with King and upstate Reps. Chris Gibson and Richard Hanna — though he voted against a subsequent measure delaying part of Obamacare.

In his defense, Grimm reportedly blamed the Senate for the shutdown, expressed hope that the government closure would be short and dismissed the potential negative political consequences of his actions.“I could care less about the politics of which side has an advantage in 2014. Our entire government has taken a hit,” Grimm said.