Real Estate Roundup: Grammable Pads

The power of social media is at the epicenter of America’s body politic, but it can also serve as a gateway to refuge from the doldrums of the everyday grind. Put differently: Instagram isn’t just for bodega cats anymore. Here’s a group of grammable apartments from Southern Brooklyn. All around $2,500 a month.

Head down to 3748 Neptune Avenue #2FL in Coney Island for this two bedroom, two bathroom that is sure to go viral. I’m sick at the thought of missing out on this apartment ($2,600 /month). It is replete with a jacuzzi, balcony, and more. Click through to the listing to get more info about this eye-catcher.

How much would you pay to live in a perfectly grammable place? 132 86th Street #1 in Bay Ridge is a two bedroom, one bathroom replies with “$2,500 per month”. With a brick fireplace, a gorgeous yard, and stained glass windows, I’m sure you’ll… *wait for it*… like this pad. Contact Justine Torchio of Corcoran for more info.

This gorgeous tiled kitchen is not the only Instagram-worthy feature of 1924 65th Street #2. The polished wooden staircase is also sure to charm and garner oodles of likes. If you like this two bedroom, one bathroom steal, you’ll be pleased to know that it’s a mere $2,000 per month. Contact James Nelson of the Zillow Rental Network for more details!

While the above might not find its way into a gallery of Diane Arbus’ finest works (and perhaps is better suited to other galleries), this apartment itself is certainly worthy of multiple spots on your Instagram account. With a knockout outdoor space and lots of outdoor space, this 13th Avenue apartment is certainly the pad for you to impress your friends with. If three bedrooms and one and a half bathrooms for a mere $2,500 per month strike your fancy, get in touch with Gordon Tam of Chase Global Realty Corp for more details.

Gaze deep into this photo and tell me what you see. Do you notice the spiral staircase? The sliding doors to the balcony? Look further into the listing for this duplex on East 27th in Sheepshead Bay and you will find a skylight, a well-appointed kitchen and more. What’s more, this one bedroom can easily become a two bedroom if you so deign, and at $2,400 per month, it is worth your attention. Contact Irina Slavinsky for more details.
Do you have a great place available for rent or sale, or are a broker representing a property you want to be included, fill out our real estate form here. Listings must be received by 6pm on Wednesday for inclusion. For more information, email our Director of Sales and Marketing Dina Rabiner at