Rally This Saturday at Golden Farm

What are you doing tomorrow? How about rally to show support Golden Farm employees.

Golden Farm workers finally are paid minimum wage but they still have no basic benefits: sick days, vacation days, medical care, or job security. The fight continues as, according to New York Communities for Change:

The owner Mr. Sonny Kim refuses to pay what he owes and to sign a contract that will give all workers basic benefits and continued protection on the job.

The rally will be Saturday, February 23, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, in front of Golden Farm at the corner of Church Ave and E 4th Street.

Why show your support? The Brooklyn Food Coalition says it best:

In order for us all to eat well, all workers in the food chain must be treated well.

The rally is sponsored by Brooklyn Food Coalition, NY Communities for Change, Occu-Evolve, Occupy Kensington and 99 Pickets.