Question Of The Week: Inexpensive Women’s Haircuts?

We’re all aware that living in New York City comes at a price — usually, a very literal price, as the cost of living can be higher here than in other parts of the country. But did you know that we’re apparently the city where it costs the most for a woman to get a haircut?

According to data collected by Square and mapped on Quartz (h/t Brokelyn), women’s haircuts in New York City average $73, the highest of any cities they looked at. Of course, the data that was collected could skew the perspective a bit, as you’d have to be a hairdresser who uses the Square payment system, which might be higher-end than a place that deals more in cash or traditional credit card systems.

Even so, that seems like it’s around average from our experience, where salons in Manhattan can run you up to and above $100 for a cut. Thankfully in Park Slope, we can still get a high-quality cut for a bit less, but not always much.

A look at prices quoted on websites shows a range of costs for women’s cuts around the neighborhood, including these starting prices:

  • Badlands, 87 5th Avenue: $47 (clipper cut), $75 (scissor cut)
  • Dhaga, 294 5th Avenue: $50
  • Venelle, 62 7th Avenue: $50 (short/medium), $60 (long)

It seems like we’re not going to find the average price of a cut in Minneapolis (only $41), but we’re still a little below the average of NYC. Unless we’ve missed a great bargain — what’s your favorite local salon for haircuts, and do you find the price affordable, or at least worth it for what you get?

We’ve also heard some women have had better luck on pricing with very short hair and clipper cuts at some local barbers — any you would recommend?