Sunday: Shadow Puppet Purim Spiel At Marks Jewish Community House

Purim Spiel Shadow Theater from L2coLAB on Vimeo.

Purim may be over (it was Thursday), but the party is just getting started.

The Marks Jewish Community House of Bensonhurst will be holding its annual Purim carnival this Sunday, and this year they have invited L2coLAB, a whimsical shadow puppet theater troupe that will be performing a unique adaptation of the Story of Purim.

The Jewish holiday of Purim celebrates the salvation of the Jews in ancient Persia thanks to the cleverness of Queen Esther and her cousin Mordecai who prevailed over the King’s evil adviser Haman.

The 30-minute musical production, called The Purim Spiel, will be performed in two languages. The Russian version is based on songs from classic Soviet cartoons, while the English one features parodies of well-known musical theater, pop, and rock tunes.

Ages: 2-14

Time: Russian – 12pm, English – 12:30pm

Cost: $10*

The puppet show will be followed by the Jewish community center’s annual Purim carnival – always a hit – which is free for the entire community. There will be moon bounces, puppet-making, grogger-making, a hamentaschen cook-off, a costume parade, and more.Pizza and baked goods will be sold, but hamentaschen are free! For those not familiar with the pastry, hamentaschen are delicious triangular-shaped cookies piped with multi-flavored jams, that are meant to signify the triangular hat of Haman – the villain in the Story of Purim.Wishing all of our Jewish neighbors a (belated) chag purim sameach! Hope to see you there!*Tickets can be purchased on the Marks JCH website or at the door.