PS 139 & 249 Students Rally To Save After School Programs

Students and and parents from PS 139 and PS 249 joined forces last Wednesday, June 12, to protest Mayor Bloomberg’s proposed FY 2014 budget, which would demolish their CAMBA-run after school programs. 215 students from PS 139 and 199 students from PS 249 stand to lose homework help, recreational and educational activities, and dinner provided by the CAMBA’s Creative Kids and Kids Connection programs.
139 and 249 are just two of the schools whose programs are in jeopardy–if the New York City Council does not restore $130 million to the budget, over 31,000 children across the city will lose placement in after school programs, which is problematic for working parents and kids alike.
One PS 139 mom says:
I’m a fulltime student, studying nursing. At my school, if I miss even one day, I will have to drop out of the program. I can’t afford a babysitter. This [after school] program means a lot to me.

Council Member Eugene supported the students, saying:
The after school programs at PS 139 and PS 249 are essential in helping the families and children of our community learn and grow… Last year I stood with parents and children to fight for these great programs and I am proud to stand with them once again and I will continue to do so as long as I have to.
If you’re a parent utilizing after school programs at PS 139, PS 249, or elsewhere, how would your child losing his or her placement affect you?
All photos by Jonathan Berk