How To Protect Your Bike, Computer & More With Police Etching

Neighbor Nathan Thompson, a member of the 70th Precinct Community Council, sent us an email with a good reminder that the 70th Precinct will come to neighborhood events to help etch and register bikes and electronic valuables with a unremovable number – making them easier to find if they’re stolen or lost.

From Nathan:
Periodically you see a reminder that the 70th precinct will etch and register your bike or electronic valuable with an unremovable number. It’s one of those things that sounds like a great idea but we never get around to it. The likelihood that my neighbors and I are going to shlep down to the precinct and make an etching date, or even remember who to make it with, is pretty slim. So the 70th has a suggestion. Invite them to bring their set up to your next neighborhood event. We gave it a shot at the PPS block party this year and it was a smash.

The neighbor added that having the police at the event means that “people didn’t have to make a date or plan it out.”
“They saw the table all set up on their block and ran home to get their bikes, computers, and jewelry,” he wrote.

Again, from Nathan:
Officer Batson, who you might know as one of the outgoing regulars on Church Ave patrol was taking all comers. The line got so long he had to call in a some volunteer help from the Auxiliaries. From filling out the registration forms to getting the actual etching, the whole process took about 15 minutes per item.
I bet more people from my neighborhood registered an item that day than in my 16 years in the area put together. It’s just not something we organize ourselves to do. But when it came to us, we jumped. Batson and (Officer) Galindo, who backed him up, are the outgoing type of cops who put a great face on the NYPD. As the adults cued up for etching, Officer Galindo held down the fort with the kids by letting them visit inside the patrol car. It was a good day for securing valuables and a great day for NYPD community relations. I highly recommend you drop a note to Community Affairs requesting the etching crew drop by your next neighborhood event.

You can find out more information about the 70th Precinct on its website or by calling (718) 851-5511. You can also reach the 70th Precinct Community Affairs department by emailing And, remember, the 70th Precinct Community Council is holding its monthly meeting tomorrow, October 29, at 7:30pm at 175 Lawrence Avenue.

Photos by Nathan Thompson