Prospect Park’s Bluestone Cafe Hopes To Obtain Beer & Wine License

You might not have to bring wine to Prospect Park in a thermos this summer, says the NY Daily News, because the Bluestone Cafe at Prospect Park’s Lakeside is hoping to soon secure a license to serve patrons wine and beer.

Not everyone is on board, though–Gothamist (“The cafe reportedly hopes to serve beer and wine on the premises, located just feet away from frozen pools of ice filled with wobbly children on skates”) suggests signing up for tourniquet-tying classes alongside your skating lessons, and park spokesman Eric Landau told the Daily News that while the Tennis Center on Parkside Avenue offered alcohol for just under two years, the idea never quite caught on.

While Community Board 9 supports the boozy proposition, the State Liquor Authority has the final say. But what do you think–does a glass of the good stuff sound refreshing after a skate around the ice or roller rink, or like a pileup waiting to happen?

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