‘PPG’ Filming On Stratford Road This Week

There’s a long list of TV and movie producers flocking to the neighborhood for picturesque shots of Victorian Flatbush.

Film shoot signs were spotted today by neighbors on Stratford Road between Albermarle and Church Avenues, for Tuesday July 26 and Wednesday July 27 on the eastern side, and Thursday July 28 on the western side of the street.

Though the sign warns that must be moved by Monday night at 7pm on the eastern side, the street was lined with cars on Tuesday morning. According to the NYC Office of Media and Entertainment, in some cases cars left in the no parking film zones they will be relocated to the nearest legal parking spot. Just in case you parked on the eastern side of Stratford Road this morning and don’t see your car tonight, call 311 or the NYC media entertainment office at 212-489-6710.

Stratford Road near Church Avenue (Photo by Ditmas Park Corner)

We were curious about the mysterious ‘PPG’, so we called the number listed on the sign. However, the person who answered seemed to have no idea what PPG stands for, or didn’t want to say — a bit disappointing, since this is the only contact listed for this project.

There’s no PPG found in the full list of movies and TV shows filming in NYC right now from the office of Media and Entertainment, so here are some of our best guesses:

  • Prospect Park Ghosts
  • Power Puff Girls (nah, that one is animated)
  • Powered Paraglider Girl (where is the audition line for that lead role!)
  • Pumped Power Galoshes (I could have used a pair while walking home in yesterday’s storm)
  • Purple People Group (the coalition of one-eyed, one-horned, flying eaters)
  • Purple Plastic Gun (the epic water fight that tore one idyllic neighborhood apart)
  • Personal Pet Guns (don’t like the neighbor’s dog pooping in front of your house? Now you can take them out!)

Do any readers actually know what PPG stands for?

If you spot the crew filming, feel free to send us photos and where you saw it to editor@ditmasparkcorner.com, and we’ll post it to the blog.