Pizzagate Explodes Over Sir Patrick’s First “Slice”

Editor’s Log, Stardate 91015.09: Wednesday afternoon, Sir Patrick Stewart beamed a photograph of himself to the interweb via Twitter with the following, “My first ever pizza “slice”. Please note: the authentic NY fold,” emblazoned above the image.

Little did he know, that seemingly innocent slice would find itself at the center of what can only be described as Pizzagate.

Instead of picking up on the not-so-subtle quotes around the word slice, which indicated that (in true New Yorker fashion) the captain had just purchased his first corner pizzeria pizza slice (as opposed to an entire pie), the world came to the conclusion that this was his first ever taste of pizza. Ever. In 72 years.

The actor returned to Twitter that night to set the record straight:

So long story short, our neighbor has not been living in some kind of bizarre pizza void for the past 72 years. Breathe a sign of relief, planet Earth.

Now, about this whole “Habs fan” thing…

Photo via Think Geek